Orlando STEM afterschool, Orlando STEM after school, Orlando STEM summer camp, STEM summer, summer camp, summer camps, STEM camps, Orlando STEM summer workshop, LakeNona STEM, Lake Nona STEM, Eagle Creek STEM, EagleCreek STEM, Orland afterschool, Orlando after school, LakeNona afterschool, LakeNona after school, EagleCreek afterschool, EagleCreek after school, Premier STEM afterschool, Premier STEM, Orlando Premier STEM, Orlando Science, Orlando Robotics, Orlando IoT, Orlando 3D Printing, Orlando K-8 after school, Orlando K8 afterschool, Orlando K-8 afterschool, Central Florida STEM afterschool, Tech, Technical, STEM, afterschool, Code, Develop, Program, HoloLens, Unity, Music, Robotics, Internet of Things, IoT, Inspire, Eagle Creek Village, Lake Nona, IDTech, Digital Media Academy, DMA, ID Tech, TechMe, Tech Me, FullSail, Full Sail, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Adafruit, .NET, Summer Camp, Summer Technology, K-12, Summer Programs, Day Camp, Value, High IQ, Children, Kids, Smart, Choice, Microsoft, Google, Apple, Computer Camp, Summer and Computers, NASA Summer Camp, Digital Media, Video, Stop Motion, Mathnasium, Brain Academy, Brain, Synapse Science & Technology, PiTop, RasPad, Anki Cozmo, Cozmo, Minecraft, Unity, C#, Python, Arduino, Scratch, Vex, Vex Robotics, Lego, Lego Mindstorm, EV3, Mindstorm, Mindstorm EV3, Maker, Makerspace, Coding, Summer, Winter Park, Florida, Summer Workshops, Kano, SAM Labs, Computational Thinking, Design Thinking, Computational, Future, Digital, Digital Futures, #DigitalFutures
Register Now for Tutorial Sessions & Summer Camp!
Space Limited - Contact Us Now!
(407)574-8904 | info@synapseOrlando.com
Summer hours - Monday to Friday 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Virtual Summer Workshop 2020 - 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Summer Camp & Workshop
Fun, educational, innovative, summer programs for your children. We will have 9 weeks of fun filled activities, field trips, and much more.
Summer camp workshops 2024 Calendar Available Now - here!
Contact us at 407-574-8904 for more information.
summer camp, summer workshop, Orlando summer camps, summer camp for kids, Synapse, STEM summer camps, Orlando STEM camps, STEM summer programs

Fun and Inspiration
Our summer programs are fun, we provide days packed with exploration, learning, creativity, and activities for children ages 5 - 15. We have robotics, coding / programming, Internet of Things, 3D design + printing, VR, and more. Come join us for summer camp, we would love to have you at Synapse Science & Technology Learning Center.

All registered trademarks, logos, and images above are the property of their respective owners.

Our population grows each year, and also grows older, we need more medical professionals and technicians to research and find new approaches to bio-related issues.
•Learn to use the MicroBit and other microcontrollers to develop a heart rate monitor
•Write code to analyze and display the data
•Take home the MicroBit and sensor kit – additional cost

Participans will have access to the Vex Robotics IQ series platform and sensors for learning about robotics, and to build team based solutions for competitions.
Want your own kit? Let us know, we are exploring retail options.

Cozmo's big brain and even bigger personality are operated by sophisticated robotic and AI systems. Code Lab gives you unprecedented access to Cozmo’s core functionality.
•Take home Cozmo – additional cost